The jackfruit, also known as jack tree, jakfruit, or sometimes simply jack or jak, is a species of tree in the fig, mulberry and breadfruit family.
Jackfruit is very popular in Sri Lanka, India, and Bangladesh. Seeds and pith are the most nutritious parts of the jackfruit. Additionally, they are rich in minerals and other important nutrients.
Did you know that the jackfruit has Antivirus and Antibacterial properties? Vitamin C is responsible for antivirus and antibacterial properties. Apart from that, Vitamin C helps to improve the immune system which your body protects from numerous diseases and infections.
Jackfruit is very popular in Sri Lanka, India, and Bangladesh. Seeds and pith are the most nutritious parts of the jackfruit. Additionally, they are rich in minerals and other important nutrients.
Did you know that the jackfruit has Antivirus and Antibacterial properties? Vitamin C is responsible for antivirus and antibacterial properties. Apart from that, Vitamin C helps to improve the immune system which your body protects from numerous diseases and infections.