Water spinach and parasite infections
A parasitic disease, also known as parasitosis, is an infectious disease caused or transmitted ... Ingestion of contaminated water can produce Giardia infections. Parasites normally enter the body through the skin or mouth. Close contact with ..Ipomoea aquatica is a semiaquatic, tropical plant grown as a vegetable for its tender shoots .... Fasciolopsis buski, an intestinal fluke parasite of humans and pigs, causing fasciolopsiasis. ... with Special Reference to Ascariosis and Fasciolopsis buski Infection · Ipomoea aquatica in West African plants
Water spinach cultivated in the lake was highly contaminated with feces, as indicated by high ThC concentrations and the presence of protozoan parasites. A reduction in ThC numbers almost to WHO guideline levels for irrigation water occurred through natural biological and physical processes in the lake, as shown by differences in ThC counts at wastewater entry and exit points.
Water spinach cultivated in the lake was highly contaminated with feces, as indicated by high ThC concentrations and the presence of protozoan parasites. A reduction in ThC numbers almost to WHO guideline levels for irrigation water occurred through natural biological and physical processes in the lake, as shown by differences in ThC counts at wastewater entry and exit points.